How Does Wastewater Biological Treatment Work?

What is Wastewater Biological Treatment? Biological wastewater treatment is the largest biotechnological industry in the world, essential for protecting human health and the environment. It is increasingly recognized as a viable source of energy, value-added chemicals such as bioplastics and fuels, and nonrenewable resources. An important example of this is the enhanced biological phosphorus removal process (EBPR), which is one of the most modern wastewater treatment configurations. Not only can EBPR remove contaminating carbon, nitrogen, and phosphate (P) from wastewater but it also recovers the P in a form that is more amendable to reuse than traditional chemical P precipitation. The process will become increasingly viable as a source of phosphate as prices continue rising due to increasing demand and limited global reserves. What Does Wastewater Treatment Do? The wastewater treatment processes remove contaminants from the aqueous phase before discharging the effluent i...