Wastewater Treatment Plants: Role of Wastewater Clarifier

 The existence of wastewater treatment plants in one form or another is still present. The main objective of these plants is to treat tons of liquid and solidly produced with industries, homes, and other common places. Clarifiers in wastewater treatment plants are an integral part from the starting too. Further, clarifiers are an essential component used to remove high suspended solids in the water.

Next, the sedimentation procedure is the part of wastewater treatment where contaminants settle down due to gravity, and the clean liquid is separated. Clarifiers use the same principle of gravity in wastewater treatment to eradicate solid particulates from the liquid. The concentrated impurities are sludge while scum floats to the surface of the liquid. In addition, various poly-electrolyte and coagulants enhance the performance of the natural settling of solids by turning them into floc.

Types of Clarifiers

Several clarifier designs utilized in a wastewater treatment plant vary according to the use and application. It ranges from primary, circular, secondary, lamella, rectangular, and solids contact clarifiers. This post briefs the primary and secondary clarifiers in wastewater treatment and describes the secondary clarifier. Have a look-

Primary and Secondary Clarifier

Wastewater treatment plants include two stages- primary and secondary, and these are clarifier types too. The primary clarifiers separate settleable solids from the incoming wastewater on the plant downstream. The significant function of the primary clarifier is the removal of all settleable and floating solid waste. The secondary clarifier is located near the biological treatment and removes treated wastewater from the primary treatment stage. Its main job is thickening and clarification. The performance of wastewater treatment plants relies on the operation of primary and secondary clarifiers.

It is crucial to treat organic waste with the best solutions that make it simpler for wastewater clarifiers to give the best performance. Various biological treatments solutions boost wastewater treatment plants’ productivity.


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