How Pretreatment Helps the Complete Wastewater Cleaning Process?

Primary treatment is the first and most crucial step of the wastewater treatment process. The main purpose of the screening system is to clean the solid and non-soluble waste out of the water to reduce the risk of any disease in the human body and as well as the death of endangered species and any animal death. Wastewater screens are designed to reduce the load of waste material in the treatment plant. In many places, people are still struggling to drink clean water because wastewater treatment plants are not available.

The wastewater treatment plant needs a proper evaluation of the raw water to determine how much time each step of the process will take. Apart from that, only professionals will completely understand the pretreatment system, and only professionals can do the steps according to the requirements. They deeply plan and make strategies on how to clean the wastewater with the pretreatment process.

sludge screening system

The pretreatment process includes many steps and stages; there are also different processes. Some of the important processes include:

  • A screening step which targets the solid particles that are present in the wastewater and is generally the first step of the cleaning process.
  • The washing compactor cleans and removes the fibrous materials from the screen system for easy handling and an easy cleaning process too.
  • The very crucial step is the grit-removing step, which includes all the dust and sand removal from the wastewater. It cleanses the 0.15 mm (about 0.01 in) of sand out of the water and makes it zero sand.
  • The sand classifier and sand washer processes dry the sand for other uses. If sand is not clean and dried completely, it is of no use, and after proper drying, it can be used in construction, gardening, and for many other things as well.
  • Grease and oil removal is the last process that is included in the pretreatment of wastewater systems. The grease caused by various types of oils in the water turns into a hard layer on the surface of the water. It is completely removed in this process.

Sludge screening systems are important for the wastewater cleaning process, and one should be careful about throwing any solid materials in the water for a safe and clean environment.


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